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Choosing a Botox Needle Size: What You Need To Know

Choosing a Botox Needle Size: What You Need To Know

Botox is actually Botulinum, a botulism-causing toxin that impedes muscular nerve activity. That sounds a little scary, but there are also many great uses for Botox. For example, Botox injections are good for curing neck dystonia, muscular rigidity, and acute underarm perspiration.

Let’s face it, if you’ve landed here, you’re probably thinking about the cosmetic treatments rather than the medical uses for Botox, and the Botox needle size matters a lot in these treatments of your or your customer’s face.

After all, you don’t want them to get too puffy or be in pain during or after the injection. Read on to find out which needle size is best for your treatment.

What Is the Botox Needle Size for Injections?

Doctors and other qualified professionals administer Botox using anything between a 30-gauge and 32 gauge Botox needle. In the past, they may have gone to as large as 33. However, recent research found that 33-gauge needles produce minor discomfort.

Researchers have found that there is not much difference in the pain scale results for patients with injections with needles between the size of 30 and 32 gauge.

As you cannot legally conduct Botox injections yourself in the UK, it’s a good idea to listen to the professional therapist giving the injections or consult your prescribing doctor during these steps toward getting your injections in the first place.

If you are a beauty therapist or small business owner in the UK with a licence to dispense Botox, it’s best to have a variety of needle sizes on hand for your customers to use on the advice of their doctors.

However, since there’s generally not much difference in pain or risk of human error between needles, you could opt to go in the middle of the recommended range and use a 31 gauge if the patient has no doctoral advice.

What Does Needle Gauge Mean?

Needle gauge is the thickness of the needle used. You may think that the bigger the number, the thicker the needle. However, the opposite is true. For example, the smallest recommended gauge for Botox injections is 32, which has a needle wall thickness of 0.064mm, while a 30 gauge has a thickness of 0.076

How Many Botox Units Per Syringe?

Botox syringes come in dosages ranging from 50 to 200 Botox units per syringe, which are ample for most cosmetic treatments. For example, Botox cosmetics maker Allergan suggests a dose of 4 units at each location on the forehead for a maximum of 20.

If Needle Size Doesn’t Matter, What Can Impact the Level of Pain?

Any injection may be painful, but the discomfort is generally minor because of the tiny Botox needle size injections utilise. Unfortunately, there’s no way of knowing just how painful the injection will be for you until you’ve had it. A local anaesthetic or cold pack can be applied to the region before the injections to reduce discomfort.

Should any pain occur after the injection, you could also use ice and cold packs to treat the pain, bruising, or excess swelling.

How Deep Are Botox Needles Injected?

A Botox needle can inject into your muscles with varying degrees of depth to have the desired effect.

Deep injections reach a depth of 6mm or more.

Medium injections are defined as being 2-5mm deep, underneath the epidermis, along with the overlaying muscle (if relevant), and into the muscle group.

Is It Possible for Botox to Go Wrong?

Botox carries a low risk, but as with any medical procedure, there are some potential problems.

The easy response is that there can be adverse effects or difficulties with any invasive therapy or surgery.

Discolouration, bruises, bleeding, and swelling are all possible side effects.

Where Can You Get Syringes Without a Prescription?

While you can buy the syringes, we wouldn’t recommend administering Botox yourself. Even if you were to get your hands on some, it's never advisable to administer it yourself.

Where Should Botox Not Be Used?

A skilled injector is familiar with when and where not to insert. Never inject the region around the orbital bone above the pupil, unless you're a certified, skilled injector.

If Botox is implanted here, it may migrate to the upper lid and induce drooping, lasting up to a few weeks or months.

How can Botox be made to last longer?

It would be better if you avoided sun and sunbeds.

  • Every day, apply SPF to your face, collar, and palms.
  • Use a high broad-spectrum sunblock and avoid going outside during maximum UV hours to keep your effects for long. Skincare Products - If you maintain care of the skin, the results of Botox will last longer.

What are Botox’s Adverse Side Effects?

The following are some of the most common (but still rare) adverse effects:

  1. Muscle twitching in the area where you administered the medication
  2. For several months following therapy, you may get difficulty swallowing
  3. Tight muscles, neck ache, pain in the arms or legs
  4. Sagging brows, impaired eyesight, swollen eyelids, itchy eyes
  5. Dry mouth
  6. Headaches, exhaustion

Aftercare for Botox and What to Avoid

Aftercare is crucial after Botox, and it is something that most people don't take seriously enough. A variety of problems can happen if you don't give yourself the proper care.

You might reverse the job, necessitating another costly procedure. You could also slow down your process of healing. It's not only about doing something that will aid the process; it's also about avoiding things that will slow down it down or harm your face.

What to Avoid

After the treatment, don't scratch your face or give yourself a skincare routine for at least 24 hours. It may cause the Botox to migrate to an undesirable location, and that is the one thing you should attempt to stay away from. Botox may travel down and cause sagging of the eyelids in rare cases.

Sleeping Properly

Try not to fall asleep on your face while you're going to go to bed! Lying down lowers your chances of accidentally repositioning the Botox during the night.


Some clinicians advise against bending down, lying down, or engaging in intense activity just after treatment. It's also possible that Botox will shift as a result of this. So, try to stay away from these activities for the first few hours after therapy.

Avoiding Drugs and Alcohol

The use of aspirin, Motrin, or other pain relievers may help to minimise the severity of bruises. But, most other drugs you should stay away from, including alcohol.

Manipulation of the Skin

Up to one week following treatment, avoid forceful skin manipulation to limit risk further. It implies that you should avoid procedures like exfoliation, laser therapy, and electrolysis.

You should also avoid saunas or any other activity that causes excessive sweating.

The majority of what not to do is simple sense. Take your hands off your body and avoid doing anything that can cause the Botox to migrate. Take precautions! It's all about lowering the danger.

What Should You Do?

You can gradually exercise the tissues in the treated region. Use your regular facial movements as a guide. It will improve the Botox's absorption into the tendons and muscles.

Besides, there is not much you can do to aid Botox's effectiveness. It's now time to wait for the outcomes, which can take anywhere from 2 to 5 days.

There are nevertheless a few measures you may take to help your face recover more quickly. After the therapy, there will most likely be some oedema. An ice pack placed gently to the affected region may aid in the reduction of oedema, and it may also assist in the decrease of bruising.


After the procedure, some people report slight discomfort. As previously stated, powerful painkillers are not advised.

Therefore, paracetamol can be OK. It is something you must discuss with your physician. They might be capable of offering a better alternative, such as a lidocaine cream. Inquire with your doctor whether there is anything further you should or should not be doing following therapy.

Each individual will be unique, necessitating somewhat different post-operative treatment. Besides not placing stress on the treated region, there is no firm agreement on what you should do following the Botox therapy.

A few weeks following surgery, you should be invited to come in for a follow-up appointment. It is when the doctor checks to know if the procedure has functioned properly.

Ask Your Doctor

Create a list of concerns you'd want to speak to your doctor and take it with you to your Botox appointment. You won't forget everything you want to ask this way.

Please inquire about the expense of the therapy, how many doses of Botox you'll require, what Botox needle size will be needed, and how often they have been injecting Botox.

Ask about adverse effects, hazards, and how to maintain your skin after receiving Botox, as well as how frequently someone with your skin problem should have Botox. Your doctor has your medical history and is qualified to comment on such things.

So What Should I Get?

A 30-32 gauge is an appropriate Botox needle size, and they vary little in terms of pain or application. It’s best to consult a medical professional for individual needs, but any needle in that range is generally fine.

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